FINAL Self Tryptic

This represents that I always feel like my head is spinning with work and I always have assignments due and am busy with my work. This can represent that sometimes you feel alone in the dark and that you are by yourself or you want to be by yourself This shows how I always let my imagination take over and I can't ever seem to focus on something. It represents how I space out and start to imagine things Question #4- I've gotten better at my angles and lighting when taking pictures. I have expanded my horizon and I now realize how many things can be made into a beautiful photograph. Question #5- I need to improve on my photoshop skills and realize that not all pictures should be taken literally. I need to work on my symbolism. Question #11- Something I found frustrating is thinking of ideas for a good picture. I always overthought my pictures and could have thought more simple. Question #17- Yes, I always thought of photography as a boring thing and...